Exploring PE Files with Python

7 minute read

What is PE files?

PE files refers to Portable Executable files in Windows which may have any extension of the listed below

Windows Executable files Extensions:

  • .exe → Executable File
  • .dll → Dynamic Link Library
  • .sys/.drv → System File / Kernel Driver
  • .ocx → ActiveX Control
  • .cpl → Control Panel
  • .scr → ScreenSaver

Environment Setup

To follow along with me you should install pefile module

pip3 install pefile

OR clone the repository and follow the setup instructions


PE File Structure

DOS Header:

  • e_magic → magic number of DOS header is ‘MZ’ (0x5a4d) and ‘MZ’ refers to Mark Zbikowski the designer of MS-DOS executable file format.
  • e_lfnew → a pointer to the PE header (NT Header).For most Windows programs DOS header contains a DOS program which does nothing but prints “This program cannot be run in DOS mode”.


Note that in the picture above e_magic == 0x4d5a (because of little endian)


Get all information about PE header with pefile python module

import pefile

pe = pefile.PE("path_to_your_executable")

pe.print_info() # Prints all Headers in a human readable format


import pefile

pe = pefile.PE("path_to_your_executable")

print("e_magic : " + hex(pe.DOS_HEADER.e_magic)) # Prints the e_magic field of the DOS_HEADER

print("e_lfnew : " + hex(pe.DOS_HEADER.e_lfanew)) # Prints the e_lfnew field of the DOS_HEADER

e_magic : 0x5a4d
e_lfnew : 0xd8

PE Header (NT Headers):

The only field we care about in the PE Header (NT_HEADER) is Signature which identify the file as a PE file and two other structures (FILE_HEADER and OPTIONAL_HEADER)

  • Signature == 0x5045 (‘PE’ in ASCII)
import pefile

pe = pefile.PE("path_to_your_executable")

print("Signature : " + hex(pe.NT_HEADERS.Signature)) # Prints the Signature field of the NT_HEADERS

Signature : 0x4550

File Header:

  • Machine: the architecture this binary is supposed to run on (0x014C == x86 binary and 0x8664 == x86-x64 binary)
  • TimeDateStamp: UNIX timestamp (seconds since epoch or 00:00:00 1/1/1970)
  • NumberOfSections: number of section headers
  • Characteristics: specify some characteristics of the PE file
import pefile

# Loading an executable

pe = pefile.PE("path_to_your_executable")

print("Machine : " + hex(pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine))

# Check if it is a 32-bit or 64-bit binary

if hex(pe.FILE_HEADER.Machine) == '0x14c':

print("This is a 32-bit binary")


print("This is a 64-bit binary")

print("TimeDateStamp : " + pe.FILE_HEADER.dump_dict()['TimeDateStamp']['Value'].split('[')[1][:-1]


print("NumberOfSections : " + hex(pe.FILE_HEADER.NumberOfSections))

print("Characteristics flags : " + hex(pe.FILE_HEADER.Characteristics))

Machine : 0x14c
This is a 32-bit binary
TimeDateStamp : Tue Jan 30 03:57:45 2018 UTC
NumberOfSections : 0x5
Characteristics flags : 0x10

Optional Header:

It is not optional at all, the following are the interesting fields in the Optional Header

  • Magic: depending on this value the binary will be interpreted as a 32-bit or 64-bit binary (0x10B == 32 bit and 0x20B == 64 bit)
  • AddressOfEntryPoint: specifies the RVA (relative virtual address)
  • ImageBase: specifies the preferred virtual memory location where the beginning of the binary should be placed
  • SectionAlignment: specifies that sections must be aligned on boundaries which are multiples of this value
  • FileAlignment: if the data was written to the binary into chunks no smaller than this value
  • SizeOfImage: the amount of contigous memory that must be reserved to load the binary into memory
  • DllCharacteristics: specify some security characteristics for the PE file
  • DataDirectory[IMAGE_NUMBER_OF_DIRECTORY_ENTRIES]: an array of Data Entries
import pefile

# Loading an executable

pe = pefile.PE("path_to_your_executable")

print("Magic : " + hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic))

# Check if it is a 32-bit or 64-bit binary

if hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic) == '0x10b':

print("This is a 32-bit binary")

elif hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.Magic) == '0x20b':

print("This is a 64-bit binary")

print("ImageBase : " + hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.ImageBase))

print("SectionAlignment : " + hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SectionAlignment))

print("FileAlignment : " + hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.FileAlignment))

print("SizeOfImage : " + hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.SizeOfImage))

print("DllCharacteristics flags : " + hex(pe.OPTIONAL_HEADER.DllCharacteristics))

print("DataDirectory: ")

print("*" * 50)

# print name, size and virtualaddress of every DATA_ENTRY in DATA_DIRECTORY


print(entry.name + "\n|\n|---- Size : " + str(entry.Size) + "\n|\n|---- VirutalAddress : " + hex(entry.VirtualAddress) + '\n')

print("*" * 50)

Magic : 0x10b
This is a 32-bit binary
ImageBase : 0x400000
SectionAlignment : 0x1000
FileAlignment : 0x200
SizeOfImage : 0x46000
DllCharacteristics flags : 0x8540
|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 160
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x8534

|---- Size : 53856
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x38000

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 10808
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x5b6b0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 664
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x8000

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0

|---- Size : 0
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x0


Sections Header:

Sections are group of code or data that have similar permissions in memory

Common Section Names:

  • .text → the actual code the binary runs
  • .data → read/write data (globals)
  • .rdata → read-only data (strings)
  • .bss → Block Storage Segment (uninitialzed data format), often merged with the .data section
  • .idata → import address table, often merged with .text or .rdata sections
  • .edata → export address table
  • .pdata → some architectures like ARM, MIPS use these sections structures to aid in stack-walking at run-time
  • PAGE* → code/data which it’s fine to page out to disk if you’re running out of memory
  • .reolc → relocation information for where to modify the hardcoded addresses
  • .rsrc → resources like icons, other embedded binaries, this section has a structure organizing it like a filesystem

Common Structure of a Section Header:

  • Name
  • VirtualSize
  • VirtualAddress
  • SizeOfRawData
  • PointerToRawData
  • Characterisitcs
import pefile

# Loading an executable

pe = pefile.PE("path_to_your_executable")

# Parsing every section from Sections Header

print("Sections Info: \n")

print("*" * 50)

for section in pe.sections:

print(section.Name.decode().rstrip('\x00') + "\n|\n|---- Vitual Size : " + hex(section.Misc_VirtualSize) + "\n|\n|---- VirutalAddress : " + hex(section.VirtualAddress) + "\n|\n|---- SizeOfRawData : " + hex(section.SizeOfRawData) + "\n|\n|---- PointerToRawData : " + hex(section.PointerToRawData) + "\n|\n|---- Characterisitcs : " + hex(section.Characteristics)+'\n')

print("*" * 50)

Sections Info:

|---- Vitual Size : 0x628f
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x1000
|---- SizeOfRawData : 0x6400
|---- PointerToRawData : 0x400
|---- Characterisitcs : 0x60000020

|---- Vitual Size : 0x1354
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x8000
|---- SizeOfRawData : 0x1400
|---- PointerToRawData : 0x6800
|---- Characterisitcs : 0x40000040

|---- Vitual Size : 0x25518
|---- VirutalAddress : 0xa000
|---- SizeOfRawData : 0x600
|---- PointerToRawData : 0x7c00
|---- Characterisitcs : 0xc0000040

|---- Vitual Size : 0x8000
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x30000
|---- SizeOfRawData : 0x0
|---- PointerToRawData : 0x0
|---- Characterisitcs : 0xc0000080

|---- Vitual Size : 0xd260
|---- VirutalAddress : 0x38000
|---- SizeOfRawData : 0xd400
|---- PointerToRawData : 0x8200
|---- Characterisitcs : 0x40000040


For more usage examples of pefile to get you familiar, please refer to the following link



To the next time, Happy learning!

